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KarmaBank means

design change social impact communities collaborations

Bank your karma, make your impact
Shop our Art Market

A Single Drop of Support can change a Life

Karmabank works with creative partners to improve lives of those affected by war, poverty, disability, and gender-based injustice. We work tirelessly to provide education  & employment opportunities, encouraging all community members, rich and poor,  to “bank their karma”: To improve their communities through sharing resources, time, and skills, so that together we can solve local & global issues impacting our most vulnerable friends & neighbours.

Join us to make Sustainable Change, One Human at a Time

Are you looking for help?

Contact us if you need support

Would you like to provide help?

Donate, offer your skills, volunteer, provide a space, co-design…

Sustainable change one human at a time.

all you need is good karma

all you need is good karma

all you need is good karma

all you need is good karma

all you need is good karma



Suite B, 18 Vicarage gate, London W8 4AA


