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Sustainable change one human at a time.

KarmaBank helps people in need through advocacy, tailored creative community projects, food & wellbeing support, emergency response care and working collaboratively with partners for maximum social impact.

KarmaBank means

design change social impact communities collaborations


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Contact us if you are in need of support

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KarmaBank is a West London-based social impact project developer, working together with equally passionate individuals and institutions to design a safer, fairer, more hopeful world.

Social impact, or "Banking our Karma" in a community, means improving our own lives through improving the lives of others.

KarmaBank started as an emergency response group to encourage organisations to share resources, waste less, and cooperate better.

Refugee Art Works

Refugee Art Works (RAW) is a new multinational collective of female refugee artists & craft makers,
drawn together for mutual support & creative development.

We help female refugee artists re-establish themselves, from initial wellbeing support
to micro-financing materials, joining our supportive community, and developing their
careers through selling at markets, galleries & fairs.

Helping refugee female artists to produce and sell work ensures their ability to heal from their
journeys and contribute to their new host communities.


Very proud to announce that RAW will be at the Saatchi Gallery on 11-15 October 2023.

Our 10m2 stand is on the first Floor, Booth 6.3 at
Saatchi Gallery
Duke of York's HQ
King's Road
London SW3 4RY

Get Tickets

Our Projects

Our Partners

all you need is good karma

all you need is good karma

all you need is good karma

all you need is good karma

all you need is good karma

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Karma Bank was my first experience of volunteering for others. I’d volunteered lots for events but never for a community. The energy and vitality of our weekly meet-ups meant all you could do was smile.
The space always felt so happy and full of movement with lots of activities happening. Still today, I follow friends on social media and our friendship from KarmaBank continues.
Andrew’s care and attention to individuals is palpable and has made such an impact on so many lives. I hope one day again to see my friends, but for now, I know they’re doing well thanks to the efforts of KarmaBank!

ToriYoga Teacher

Teaching ESOL at the Pod was a wonderful experience. The students were a both eager and thankful to learn in order to inter grate quickly into life in the UK. Their stories touched my heart and I found it a very satisfying and humbling experience. They gave back so much to me. The atmosphere at the Pod was that of a community, beit only one day a week. Everyone worked together to create a nurturing, caring experience showing that true humanity is still alive in this unpredictable world. I hope once again to be part of the Pod when the pheonix will rise again. One love

PaulaEnglish Teacher

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Suite B, 18 Vicarage gate, London W8 4AA

